To Do Before Relocate to Valencia
Like any Relocation there is many things one need to consider and plan in order to ensure a soft and stress free moving to a new country o even a new continent.
One of our services is The Pre-Relocation Orientation. If you are not in Valencia o won't be able to visit it before your Relocation date, this is an excellent way for us to know each other, and to start to build your taylormade - step by step relocation program.
We, of course advise you to have, if time and situation allow it, to realize orientation visit to Valencia.
We do not believe so much in FAQ, since we know how frustating it can be to read so much about the information which is not quite right for you.
We believe in a personal human treatment, so we have for you a First Orientation Phone call for free.
You can get the initial information you need and know if we have what you are looking for regarding your Relocation plan.
In order to prepare a Realistic and efective Relocation Plan, we need to work on the Relocation Schedule, We will adjust ourself for your needs.
The secret for a successfull Relocation is in the planning.
We won't leave anything to chance and will work, liniary and simultaneous in order to prepare all the documents, housing ect' you will need in order to have a soft and easy relocation experience!
We will give you a full cheklist for things you need to do take care personally, and we will take care of the rest of the relocation issues.

If You Know o do not know Valencia and the Comunidad Valenciana, we advise you to consider the Orientation visit.
Orientation visit will help you and your family to know Valencia much more and will help you to take a better descision regarding your relocation plan.
We have different orientation visit, so we organize the visit in our beautiful Valencia to suite your's and your family needs.
From Neighborhood, schools, restaurants, attractions and much more Valencia has to offer.